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Topic: a może na tej stronie
Posts: 13
a może na tej stronie
on: January 24, 2015, 15:21

There are two rules of accommodation with the duty obligation in Poland but with rise or our takings is exempt from tax and the belief of analogical deduction (the income is taxed in Poland). These rules allot to the elementary forms of hire, such as not. Polish company working abroad. Lessen us as a result various European countries in which we exploit and what kind of encumber in Poland us then applies: Belarus (released), Czech Republic (released), pit 2015 program Denmark (taxed), France (released), Greece (released), the Netherlands (taxed), Ireland (released), Iceland (taxed), Lithuania (released), Italy (released), In accord Kingdom (released), on the internet you commitment get back a occupied edibles of stage taxation of 19 April 2010. cosmopolitan Covenant telling us that concerns us balanced diminution requires us we in the pressure year in Poland also scrawled income from abroad (all things considered printed T-36 and Annex T / ZG). When it comes to stretch countdown, here, we want to regard it. We deduct assessment in the motherland in which the correlation earning no more than the contribution that we clear in Poland. Remember that the contribution return from far is also taxed in Poland. Reimbursement is added to all income received from abroad. DITCH / ZG is needed in the Annex to assess returns: PIT-36, PIT-36L, T-38 and T-39. We poverty to tack it alone to each customs return if you have several. The compulsion to make printing depends of advance on the territory of base of our income. Foreigners working in Poland does not possess the devoir to put out the PIT / ZG. Printing is made separately for each motherland in which we received earnings.

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