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Topic: TwinOski aka Mr. Hollywood
Posts: 2
TwinOski aka Mr. Hollywood
on: January 16, 2013, 09:50

What's up, everyone? There is this new rap artist from Corpus Christi, Texas. He is getting big in Corpus Christi, Houston, and San Antonio. Here are two of his videos for y'all to enjoy.

Jermaine (Twinoski) Haynes, primarily known as “Twinoski’’, was born the 10th of March in the spring of 1989 in Corpus Christi TX. Twinoski spent majority of his growing up in Dallas TX, with his mother Sharon Haynes, and his other siblings, and visited His father Joe Lister during the summer and holidays in Corpus Christi, TX.

Jermaine attended and graduated from W.T. White High School in Dallas TX. His name originated from him having a twin brother and Friends at school called him Oski so he decided to come up with the name “Twinoski”. After graduating Twinoski later moved back to Corpus Christi, and started Working with Mental Retardation Adults.

At the age of nineteen he started writing his own lyrics and rapping. Twinoski has popular singles such as DivaWalk, Shotz and Hollywood that have played on the radio and in many night clubs located in Corpus Christi, Houston, and San Antonio. Twinoski has opened up for several artist such as, Chalie Boi, Slim Thug, Treal Lee, Prince Rick, Party Boyz, Dorrough, Chamillionaire, New Boyz, Snoop Dogg, Waka Flaka Flame, Pit-bull, Baby Bash and many more artist. He also won the radio rapping competition to be one of the opening acts for Ludacris, and has been in finals for (TheNextHitCompetition) as well.

Twinoski is hungry for new achievements. As he says he’s “Shooting for the top”, “There’s always room to grow to an extra level”.

Let me know what y'all think!

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