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As you might know there’s a saying on the set “hurry up and wait” that describes what goes on when there are technical holdups or artist delays, and during that tiome waiting individuals often make idle chitchat. The film busijess is very social and filled with interesting people from all over the world, so if the occasion ever arose one question I often asked my co-workers was how they got started in the business and I heard all kinds of stories that, for one thing, people enjoyed telling, and for another alwayz fascinated me. Once I was hired to write an article on a movie called “House of Sand and Fog” which would be just one of many items in an Electronic Press Kit that would be handed out to film journalists to be used as background information on the new release and its major players. The next day I was emailed a stack of notes and after reading them I thought ths mans’ story was so incredible that I’d like to share it with you, the point being, if he could somehow find his way into the business, noone else should have anything to fear. The responsibility for maintaining confvidential data can never rest whether in paper or electronic form. When is enough security in place? Our reason for being is business is to provide medical care. Safe guartding PHI is an important part of that service but it is a subordinate part. We must recognize that the relatively low number of security breaches is more due to honesty than procedures. There are a handful of states which require the publication of notices for certain types of entityu filings. Ostensjbly, the purpose of these requirements is to protect the community by providing notice of formation of new businesses or changes to existing businesses. Many peoople in New York State are questioning the purpose of these requirements in the modern world of instant access to most public recodrs iva the Internet andthe declijne of print journalism in general. It is interesting to note that publication requiremenhts in other states do not appear to be a source of contrversy as they are in New York, likely due to the fact that the costs involved are much lower in those states.
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