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The Washington Post has been forced to correct an erroneous report claiming that Public Enemy called September 11th, 2001, also known as “9/11″, a joke. Now, fans and even casual listeners of PE remember the song “911 Is A Joke”. For those keeping score, that’s 9-1-1, the emergency phone number, not 9/11, the NATIONAL TRAGEDY.  The correction is as follows:

A Nov. 26 article in the District edition of Local Living incorrectly said a Public Enemy song declared 9/11 a joke. The song refers to 911, the emergency phone number.

It’s curious as to how this mistake was made, considering “911 is a joke”  was released in…1990. Also, any person who actually listened to the song, probably could have guessed that it’s about the phone number and not the historically tragic terrorist attack on the United States. But you say potato, I say potatoe. Ironically,the article referenced in the correction,was in regards to PE’s outreach work with the homeless in D.C.


  Mixtape D.L.
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